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SGA 360

Savannah Scott

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Savannah Scott

SGA has had amazing events in the past, but a crowd favorite seems to be SGA 360. SGA 360 is an event that happens at the beginning of every school year and invites the students for an evening of worship, games, and fun times with your friends. This year was even more unique because it was the first year that the entire school was invited! We had 200 students attend! I asked some new and returning students for their thoughts on SGA 360.

One returning senior said, “I did attend SGA 360! It was so much fun! My favorite part was probably the games we played in the gym. The game where the tarp was dropped was exciting! I do feel like I got to know people somewhat better. On a scale (of 1-10), I would rate it 7-8.”

One returning sophomore said, “It was interesting. The games seemed a bit scattered, and the event leader (although he seemed excited to be there) was hard to hear through his megaphone thingy he had. That made it kinda difficult to know how to play the games. Also, it seemed like the event helpers were forcing us to meet new people, instead of letting us enjoy time with the people we knew. The worship and message was great though!”

I then released a survey for people to fill out and here are some of the questions and answers:

Student #1


What was your favorite part of the night?

“Definitely all of the stuff after worship. The different areas where you could pray about different things and the overall feeling that the presence of God was there.”


Did you help plan/host the event in any way? If so, what was the preparation process like?

“Yeah I was there for the entire day helping set up. There’s A LOT that goes into it, especially in preparation before set-up day.”

Student #2


What was your favorite part of the night?

“When Mr. Hambrick preached!”


On a scale of 1-10, how much fun was SGA 360?

“A solid 7 and a half”

Student #3


Why did you go to SGA 360?

“To get to know more people because I was new! And just to have some fun!”


Do you feel like you met new people?

“Yes, definitely!!”


Will you attend next year?

“Of course!!”


Is there anything you’d like to change/improve about the SGA 360 event to make it better?

“Maybe more games, but other than that it was awesome!!” 

In conclusion, people seemed to really like SGA 360. A special thank you to anyone who planned/helped with the event, because we appreciate you and it was a blast! Be sure to check out the SGA 360 gallery posted on our Flickr account!

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