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Student Interview: Favorite Memories

Vivian Rice

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

By Vivian Rice

The human brain is one of God’s most complex, sophisticated, and intriguing creations; it’s capable of performing incredible operations and varies vastly from person to person. The brain is one of the most essential components of life and what makes a human capable of sentinel thought and feeling. There's a reason zombies always try to eat brains in movies. One of the key functions of the brain is storing valuable memories, and several of SGA’s fabulous students shared some of their favorite memories while bribed with Lifesaver gummies.

Evie, Christain, Copelyn, Genevieve (not necessarily in that order).

When asked about his favorite memory from SGA, 10th grader Noah Disney answered, “When I met my friend Ian.”

Genevieve Lane, 6th grade, answered similarly, stating her favorite memory from the Guild is “meeting friends,” and friends make anything better.

Since the weather is shifting closer to the jolly joys of Christmas, other students shared some of their favorite times around the Christmas season.

Copelyn Chastain, 6th grade, said her favorite Christmas memory is “probably when I was nine, we went to my cousins’ house and went to a Christmas light show afterward.”

6th grader Christain’s favorite recollection also revolves around family, as she said, “When my grandmother came down and surprised us from Michigan.”

Festive lights and decorations are extremely popular during the holiday season, and Evie, 5th grade, replied that her favorite memory is “when I went to Stone Mountain for the Christmas light show and the parade, with all the fake snow and I was really happy.”

The best for last, Izzie Parsons, a brave Senior, said her favorite (or most wild) memory from Christmas was “when my house caught on fire last year.”

Ft. Izzie Parsons, 12th grade.

With all the wonderful old memories we have, it’s time to make some new ones.

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