Hannah Hemingway
Hello! My name is Hannah Hemingway and I’m a junior at SGA! This is my 6th year at SGA and my second year in Journalism club. I enjoy reading, writing, spending time with my friends, traveling, hiking/camping, swimming, and playing soccer. I’m really excited to be in the journalism club this year and expanding my writing!!
Ensley Weaver
Hello! I’m Ensley and am a junior at SGA and a dual enrollment student at GGC. I enjoy training new employees at my local Chick-fil-A, I love books (I have read 73 books out of my 100 goal this year!), the outdoors, shopping, a good burger, the History Channel, and all kinds of music. This is my first year being a co-leader, and I look forward to seeing my club members grow in their writing.

Rebekah Crawford
Staff Writer
Hey! My name is Rebekah Crawford. I started at SGA in 6th grade and am now a freshman, so this will be my fourth year at SGA. This is my second year of playing volleyball, and I am starting to learn tennis! I LOVE reading, and my favorite series is the Inheritance Games (team Jameson, iykyk). Lastly, I am a photographer for my high school group (True North) at church!
Morgan Greene
Staff Writer
Hi! I’m Morgan Greene, and also a freshman here at SGA. I’m experiencing my 5th year here and my second in journalism. I find the writing of articles very worthwhile, while it also can benefit other students at SGA that want to catch up on the latest. But journaling is only one of my interests and hobbies. I also enjoy playing baseball, listening to my “Favorites” playlist on Amazon, competitive video games, writing fanfictions/fictions, skating, parties, roller coasters, and attending Braves games. I hope to be a conservative news journalist professionally someday.

Carter James
Staff Writer
My name is Carter, and this is my last year in Journalism, since I am a senior this year. I also like video games, music, food, etc. Some say that I’m pretty funny and cool as well, I think.
Avery Weaver
Staff Writer
Hello! My name is Avery Weaver and I am in 9th grade! I love dogs, dance, and writing. I am looking forward to my first year of writing for the Guild Gazette!