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Words of Inspiration From Journalism Club (Or: A Taste Of Our Own Medicine)

Sammi Rowell

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | Sammi Rowell |

Above: Lilly Branch and Michael Powell, totally unrelated to the article, but a great picture

For my final article, I had planned a video article. Alas after hours of stringing together and editing video, my video software keeled over and kicked the bucket...and I mean EPICLY kicked the bucket... So today I have for you the next best thing, but just because it is the next best thing doesn’t mean that our words are. The quotes and advice we give in this wannabe video article come straight from the heart and are not the second best thing we have to offer. I now present to you the uncut Journalism Club Interviews, titled: A Taste Of

Our Own Medicine.


What is your Favorite Inspirational Quote?

Kelsey Howlett:

"There’s beauty in the ordinary things, isn’t that kind of the point?" - Pam Beesely

Nancy Glasscock:

I would probably say that my favorite quote is when in the Bible it says God is my Refuge and my Strength.

Sammi Rowell:

"I owned every second that this world could give, saw so many places, the things that I did. And with every broken bone, I swear I lived." - One Republic

Justin Burnett:

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." - Snowball

Daniel Wright:

"Wow…’s more of a **nasal voice** woooooww." - Idon’tevenknowwhosaidthis

Alex Woolf:

"Be so busy loving God, loving others, and loving your life that you have no time for regret worry or drama." -Anonymous

Lydia Rice:

My favorite inspirational quote, well it’s actually kind of philosophical, is "like and equal are not the same thing" because you can be equal to somebody without having to be like them. - Meg Murry, A Wrinkle in Time

Lilly Branch:

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe

Vivian Rice:

One of my very favorite quotes is from Narnia when Aslan says: “What could’ve happened, we will never know, but what will happen is much different.” So don’t live life with regrets thinking ‘Oh I could’ve done this.’ Do it and don’t live your life with regrets!

Mrs. Cathy Hensley:

Probably an inspirational quote would come from the Bible and that would be, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and that’s kinda just been my motto or mantra in life.

April Breedlove:

So my quote and advice, kind of in one, is something my mom always said which is “Never let fear stop you from doing something you want because you never know what you’re missing out on.” And if you’re ever afraid to do something or think it might end badly it’s better to give it a shot rather than thinking ‘Oh I wonder what could’ve happened?’ because it’s better to fail trying than not even do it at all and that’s something that I’ve always tried to that’s my advice I would give to other people.


What is a piece of advice you wish you’d have had when you were younger?

Mrs. Cathy Hensley: Advice that I would have given to my younger self would be to just not sweat the small things, to really just kind of focus on what is most important.

Alex Woolf: Don’t trade happiness for perfection.

Lydia Rice: I would say advice I wish I had when I was younger would be to grow strong, ya know? Just like to improve, and try a bunch of new things.

Nancy Glasscock: I would say that a piece of advice that I love even though I did have it when I was younger is just be who you are and it honestly doesn’t matter what other people think because you are more than enough in God’s eyes.

Justin Burnett: Don’t try to fit in with the cool kids, they’re actually kinda lame.

Sammi Rowell: Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy.

Daniel Wright: Don’t buy that….it wasn’t worth it…

Vivian Rice: Rule number one, DON’T STRESS!!, because that just wrecks your mental health so bad, and second is have fun, because life needs to be a balance between work and fun, all work no play or all play and no work does not equal a very good life….that goes for Journalism too!

Kelsey Howlett: The advice I would tell my younger self is just to enjoy my high school career, because there is beauty in the tiny things of our day to day life, like your friendships, your family, your dog, little things like that you should cherish because as soon as high school is over it’s gone and you’ll regret it didn’t enjoy it more.


As I promised earlier, our words were not second rate. Everything you have just read was spoken from the hearts of our members in JC. We would all like to thank you for allowing us to be this school’s voice and for reading and encouraging our site. We’ve all enjoyed writing articles for you and hope you have enjoyed them just as much.

As some of you are aware, our two co-dictators….I mean leaders (haha love you guys) are leaving us this year. They’re leaving scholar’s guild to go into the great big world and pursue their own dreams. Lydia Rice and April Breedlove have contributed to the creation of the newspaper of our school that we all enjoy biweekly. So when you see them in the halls this last day, be sure to thank them. They are amazing young women with bright and promising futures lying ahead of them. And lying behind them they will have the support system of Scholar’s Guild’s very own Guild Gazette, praying for them and encouraging them. We love you both!!

The graduation of senior’s each year is a reminder that life moves on. My advice to all the senior’s would just be don’t forget where you came from and shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land somewhere among the stars, and the view is gorgeous up there. Your life may not go the way you want it to but it will go the way God has planned and I promise it is good. Lydia and April, thank you for the best year of Journalism Club so far.

Love you guys,

Sammi Rowell

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