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  • Izzie Parsons

What Are You ROARING in the ROARING 2020s?

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

By Izzie Parsons

It's the start of a new year - a new decade for crying out loud! The time when people set resolutions, establish goals and look ahead to all they have planned for the next 365 days. It may no longer be January 1st, the very beginning of the year, but I don't think it's ever too late to do what I'm going to tell you. I want to challenge you to pause for a minute and ask yourself the question:

"What am I going to 'roar' this year?"

Let me break that down for you a little more. When I think of the word 'roar' in that context, I think of a couple of things;

How are you going to live this year? Who are you going to live for this year? What are you going to live for this year?

Let me take it a little farther by explaining each of those a bit:

How are you going to live this year?

Are you going to turn away from your bad habits, choices, and decisions from last year? Are you going to put that aside and walk in a new light? This year, live boldly. Live Godly. Live passionately. Live unafraid. Live in love.

Who are you going to live for this year?

In 2020, are you going to live for self or for Christ? Living for self means putting yourself first, thinking of yourself higher than others.  It means assuming you know the right way and couldn't possibly be in the wrong. Living for self is full of greed and brings no real happiness to one's life. But living for Christ, and putting yourself second, brings pure joy.  Living for Him looks like putting your relationship with Him first, putting others before yourself, and sharing His love with those you encounter. Live in His word, and you will walk in his love, his peace, his joy. So this year, are you roaring your name or the name of Jesus?

What are you going to live for this year?

This year, make sure every step you take leads you in the direction you desire. Sounds like simple, common knowledge, right? Yes, and it is simple! But it's surprising how many people get to the end of the year and are frustrated, angry, and depressed that they aren't where they wanted to be. And it's all because they took steps, but not in the right direction. Don't roar laziness and a lack of motivation and work ethic. Roar perseverance, diligence, endurance, commitment! So, this year make sure every choice you make, and every road you travel takes you to where you want to be.

I hope this got you asking yourself what and who you're living for this year. In 2020, make sure your actions, thoughts, and words all "roar" something that you are proud of. 

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