Have you ever received a gift that you weren’t pleased with? You shouldn’t be surprised that many have been in the same position. Christmas is a joyous season. The fiery flames burst in a blaze as everyone gathered around the Christmas tree, the lights twinkling. The ornaments had been hung on the evergreen branches in a kaleidoscope of colors. Excitement filled the air as children rushed down and peered at boxes under the tree. Squeals of joy and excitement appear as all peel away the crisp wrapper within their palms. One of Christmas’ most significant traditions is the giving of gifts to others. After all, God gave us his one and only son; therefore, we choose this time to give gifts to others. Many put much effort into the perfect gift, while others quickly grab whatever they may find and shove it into a box at the last moment. Giving gifts can sometimes be stressful, but some have turned it into a unique and creative process. So much so that some who receive the offering may be intrigued by what they receive.
When we are younger, we tend to look up to our elders. Therefore, parents often are cautious about the way they present themselves. One year, a nephew was impressed by his uncle's bushy beard. He confessed his admiration for his uncle’s appearance and told him he wished he could grow a beard like his uncle. Joy and pride overtook the uncle after receiving such a compliment from his nephew. As Christmas rolled around the corner, all gathered around to exchange gifts. His nephew was shocked as he approached him. His face was smooth and bare as He leaned in and handed his nephew his gift. As his nephew slowly began to unwrap it, he was shocked as he received nothing but a beard in a Ziploc bag.
While many have not received facial hair in a bag, many have received strange items in abundance. For example, one boy was shocked as he slowly unwrapped his gifts. It is common not to be thrilled with the idea of receiving socks or any other clothing as a child. However, you can imagine how difficult it must be watching your younger brother unwrap his presents of toys and video games while you unwrap eighteen different gifts receiving socks each time. While he felt it was rude to show his disappointment in front of the family, he dismissed himself and exited the room. Fortunately, his mother decided to check on him, and they discussed the reasoning for receiving eighteen pairs of socks as she found her son crying in the bathroom. She told him he received so many pairs of socks because they were unaware of what to give him since he received such a significant gift. They soon revealed his laptop, and the son felt joyful and embarrassed for his actions. Although this wasn’t the first event someone had received socks as a gift, it had gone wrong. Unlike the son who received a laptop, one grandchild was disgusted and unbelief, as her aunt gifted her grandmother a pair of socks after her legs had been amputated.
Many take the holidays as a season to spend time with loved ones, but for others, sometimes family gatherings are the last thing you want on your holiday bucket list. It is essential to love and respect your family members, but sometimes it can also be difficult for you to get along. At age eighteen, one guy was disappointed after receiving a gift card label with no actual gift card attached. Matters went downhill as he peered around the room at his other siblings, who all received gift cards. Some may take it as a minor mistake. However, the gift card label had been solved into an empty toilet paper tube and wrapped, making it appear as a gift. Despite the odd situation, he described his relationship with his grandmother as her not liking him much. He wasn’t the only one who had an interesting interaction with their family that year, for another high schooler received a book from their parents called “How to cope with being adopted.”
Gifts can come in all shapes and sizes. No matter what you decide to give your family, as long as you put your heart into each present, you’ve genuinely given them something special. Each gift can open a fun surprise and sometimes a lifelong memory. It is important to take heart in what we offer and receive. Always remember the importance of giving someone a gift and take pleasure in giving.