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Senior Interview

Vivian Crawford

By Vivian Crawford

I interviewed the class of 2023 about their experiences at SGA, and their plans for the future! There are 36 graduates in this class, and I had the privilege of interviewing 4 of them. This class definitely had its struggles since their freshman and sophomore years were affected by Covid, but they made it through and they are all off to do great things!

What was your favorite class at SGA? why?

Savannah Scott- “I had many favorite classes at SGA, but my top two would be Spanish 1 with Mrs Stuart because it was extremely informative and so much fun, and AP Lit with Mrs. James because she makes me excited about classic literature and all the lessons we can learn from it.”

Kayla Maguire- “I think I'm going to have to go with AP Lit because I really like Mrs. James and my classmates. We always have such interesting conversations, and Mrs James focuses more on quality instead of quantity which makes my life easier as a senior. I also have come to actually like the subject *gasp* which kind of scares me sometimes since I'm more of a math type of person. And the last thing is that it’s a super fun and open environment every week. We’ll talk about super controversial stuff but then also discuss random funny stuff too which makes it easier to focus especially with it being my first class of the day.”

Trey Richardson- “Computer Science Fundamentals with Doctor Cooper. The reason is because I made a few good friends in that class and a couple I hope to have for the rest of my life.”

Luke Patterson- “Elements of Lit with Mrs. Mozley because she always made things fun, the homework wasn’t hard, and you could tell she really cared about us.”

What was your favorite memory at SGA?

Savannah- “There are too many to choose from. Some of my favorite memories have accumulated during journalism meetings, classes, and during lunch periods. One memory that sticks out is my Spanish class walking around the school in Santa and elf hats singing Feliz Navidad to the parent volunteers before Christmas break. I’ve had so many fun memories here it is hard to keep track.”

Kayla- Haha, probably last year during the AP Lang exam. First, all of us showed up at the wrong place, and we were all freaking out together but also nervously laughing about it. And then we all sped to SGA to actually take the exam after we got snacks from a super sweet lady that was at the random place we went to initially. But my favorite part was how we all walked in together, and the public schoolers looked at us like, ‘why are these homeschoolers late,’ but then during the test I’d look up after finishing a section and see that the only other people getting done early were my fellow homeschoolers.”

Trey- “I don’t have just one, but all the time I’ve spent with my beloved friends.”

Luke- “Coming back after the online semester, definitely.”

What are your plans after graduation?

Savannah- “I plan to major in Journalism as a stepping stone to law school where I can begin my career as a human rights attorney with a focus on education and immigration law. I’ve been accepted into 5 universities so far, so I am still in the process of making a decision.”

Kayla- “I’m going to Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) for the first 3 or so years to knock out my core classes and continue playing soccer. And then I’ll transfer to Georgia Tech most likely to study civil engineering. I also plan to keep working for Bennor Engineering while I’m in school.”

Trey- “I am currently working part time with a cabinetry guy; I am really enjoying that and hope to stay with that for a little while! If for some reason this doesn’t work out, I plan to go to a trade school and learn how to be a diesel mechanic.”

Luke- “I’m taking a gap year before I go on to college to help in getting used to life after high school.”

What advice would you give your younger high school self?

Savannah- “ I would say to work hard but also allow yourself to rest. Make sure you balance school and your social life because both are equally important. Success isn’t instantaneous; it is the decision to better yourself every day so you can make a positive impact. Most importantly, keep your relationship with Christ first; it is the only relationship that will never fail you.”

Kayla- “It's all going to work out, as annoyingly ironic as that sounds. There were so many times that I didn't believe other people when they told me that everything was going to work out but it seriously did. But also I would tell my younger self to not focus on what the world cares about. Having tons of friends or being popular was never important. And don't get frustrated when others don't see the impact you're making. Do everything with excellence even when no one is looking or noticing because that's what Jesus would do.”

Trey- “There’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions, things will happen, people you think that will be in your life forever won’t be, not everything is as it seems, lean less on other people and lean more on God. Also, work hard at all you do, and always be prepared to have some people that don’t like you; it’s going to happen and you just have to suck it up. All that matters is your relationship with God and loving your family and friends, and be kind to others.”

Luke- “Pay attention to the homework list and start the week early; that way, you always get everything done and don’t miss an assignment.”

We could all learn a thing or two from the seniors, as they have made it through all of high school, and made it out alive! For all the seniors out there, this is the home stretch!! High school is almost over, and I know every single one of you is going to do amazing things!


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