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Student Feature: Parker Caudell and Benjamin Smith

Vivian Rice

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

By Vivian Rice

Hey hey hey everyone! This particular article of this month’s issue is really cool and special because it’s the student feature page! For this publication, we have two amazing younger students who graciously allowed me to interview them after I practically begged them. Without further adieu, let’s get to know these two intriguing individuals more.


Parker Caudell and Benjamin Smith


Parker: 7th Grade

Benjamin: 7th Grade

How many years have you attended SGA?

Parker: Two years

Benjamin: Three years

What is your favorite class and why?

Parker: 7/8 science - We do a lot of labs and don’t sit down during the entire class.

Benjamin: Writing class because I get to make stories; it allows me to let my creative side out.

What are your thoughts on SGA’s environment?

Parker: It’s good.

Benjamin: It is great and inviting (for new people).

What is your favorite part of Tuesday?

Parker: Study hall - It’s a nice break from classes.

Benjamin: Writing class and study hall (I can’t decide).

What are you most excited about next year?

Parker: Getting high school credit early.

Benjamin: Being able to progress in my school career.

What’s your favorite SGA lunch?

Parker: Zaxby’s.

Benjamin: Chick-fil-la.

How has your experience been at SGA?

Parker: It’s good because I get to make friends at school, but I don’t have to go to school every weekday.

Benjamin: Very great.

Thank you both Parker Caudell & Benjamin Smith for conducting a fabulous interview! It’s cool to spotlight students because it’s we the students who make up the majority of Scholars Guild, and we’re all unique with our own personal stories to tell. Hope to be able to interview someone else (you, the reader) next time!

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