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SGA's Back!

Morgan Greene

By Morgan Greene

I strolled down the sidewalk leading towards the Education Building with great exhilaration. It was the first day back on campus, and I was bubbling over with excitement. Mrs. Beth and I exchanged friendly smiles as she opened the door for me. I thanked her and began hauling my backpack up the flight of stairs that stood before me. I walked through the door at the top of the staircase, leading me into the front room, and was greeted by Mrs. Tiffany at the front desk. I always felt so welcome at SGA. The administration provided such a warm atmosphere to students, especially new ones. I should know; after all, my little sister was brand-new to Scholars Guild herself, being a fifth-grader.

After my first two classes had been completed, I made my way downstairs to lunch. I wasn’t sure what was on the menu today, for I hadn’t ordered anything. But I knew one thing; I couldn’t wait until next Tuesday came around. Barberito’s was being served, which is one of my favorite fast-food choices. I HIGHLY recommend it! I looked around the lunch room for some of my close friends, and soon settled down with a group of people I had gotten to know last year.

As usual, I was a bit burnt out after lunch ended, and sluggishly made my way to my next class. Once it was over, I hauled my backpack back downstairs to study hall, where I began to socialize with a few pals I had sat with in lunch. Study hall is not only the perfect place to get ahead in homework but also to spend some well-earned time with buddies.

Following the end of my last class, I thought back on my day. It sure was great to be back in SGA…

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