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Hayley Norman

Senior Farewell

(Excerpt from my 2024 Graduation Speech)

One of the most extraordinary things we share, especially on a day like today, is an overwhelming sense of gratitude. One of the things that was stressed most in all the articles I read about writing a graduation speech was to start by thanking everyone for coming and end it with gratitude. But today, I would like to start, complete, and take the time graciously given to me as an expression of gratitude. We all know we’re here to celebrate our accomplishments, but we should take more time to thank those who ensured this moment was possible.

First, I would like to thank our teachers. For many of us graduates, some of these teachers are present today. One of the joys of homeschooling is that often, teachers you’ve grown to know and love are people who want the very best for you and stay involved in your life. Whether your teacher is a parent/guardian or one from a secondary school you attend, they deserve recognition for all they have done. These people are the ones who have taken on the time-consuming task of teaching us, knowing that it is an important role and giving so freely of their love and time. Without them, the next chapter of our education and careers wouldn’t be possible. Especially in this year of essay writing, exam taking, and everyday homework, our teachers give us reason to be thankful for all they have done for us. And for that, we, as the class of 2024, extend our gratitude.

Next, I would like to thank our friends. For many of us, our friends are graduating alongside us, and many are going to different places and doing many things. Thank you for all the laughter you’ve provided. Thank you for the support, the pictures, and the memories you’ve given us. Thank you for being yourself and for loving us. One of the highlights of high school is the events and activities we get to do with our friends. Thank you for supporting and pushing us to do better, even when that’s not what we wanted to hear. As friends, we hold a special bond because you’re walking with us through these stages at the same time as we are. And while we may not always get it right, we did it all together. So whether you’re graduating today, graduated a previous year, or your time to walk the stage is coming soon, we, as this graduating class of 2024, extend our gratitude for you being there through it all.

Third, I want to thank our families. Those who live with us were likely the ones to lead you to homeschooling. We thank you, whether you are parents, guardians, siblings, aunts, uncles, or grandparents. You have seen us throughout the many stages of our lives. You believed in us when we found it hard to believe in ourselves. You saw our potential and fought for us when we needed it most. You helped us through countless hours of homework, taking us to and from activities, organizing field trips, and ensuring we received the best education you could give. Of course, we may have fought with you on it occasionally, but in the end, we understand that you want the best for us. At some point, you were our teacher, and you took on the role with understanding and love for us that was evident. Of course, our journey together doesn’t end today. You'll be with us as we go off to wherever we go next. There will always be challenges, but your support is unwavering through the good and bad times. For that and so much more, we, as the class of 2024, extend our gratitude.

Finally, I couldn’t end this speech without speaking about the one to whom we owe the most outstanding debt of gratitude: God. Without God, none of what we have accomplished would be possible. Without Him, we would not be here today, having completed all that we’ve done and been given the gift of freedom in Him. He gave us the greatest gift, which was sending His son to die for us so we could have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him. We placed our faith and trust in Him through the good and bad, and it is here where He has led us. He will never leave or forsake us; above all, His plan is the best for our lives. Above any other, and with all reverence and thanks, we extend our gratitude as the class of 2024.

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