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Senior Farewell

Vivian Crawford

While I may be the one walking across the stage in less than a month, I still feel like a little girl, in shock of how fast time has flown by. I've learned a lot over my high school years yet i still feel like I haven't learned enough. I've grown so much though since freshman year, and although I wish I could go back and give younger me some advice, I can't, so I’ll pass it on to all of you underclassmen. 

  1. First off, and probably most important, do not put your worth in the hands of anyone or anything other than God. I’ve been through the high school romance where I’ve put my whole worth and identity into a relationship, which only ended poorly. I’ve also put my worth in school and grades, and let me tell you, it is never that serious. No matter what grades you are getting, as long as you are trying your best thats all that matters. When you put your worth in anything other than God, it only results in you loosing yourself. Its in our nature to search for worldly things to place our identity in, but none of these things will bring us the true satisfaction that God will.

  2. Learn to live in the moment. Put your phone down, and truly be present with the people around you and the place you’re at in life. We live in a society where its normalized to constantly need that dopamine rush that comes with checking your phone. Its also an easy escape whenever you are standing around or you feel awkward in a situation. But if theres one thing I've learned, its that the best things in life happen when I'm not on my phone and I'm truly present.

  3. Nothing is that serious. I don't know about y'all, but I constantly worry about how people perceive me and I always exaggerate situations in my head. While this may sound rude, no one cares. Everyone is always so worried about themselves that most of the time they don't notice if you say or do something embarrassing. We are all so focused on ourselves that, for better or worse, most people don't care as much as you do if you’re worried about something.

4. Just have fun! High school goes by so quickly, and if you don't take advantage of the opportunities you have, it’ll pass you by. Try new things in high school, whats the worst that could happen? You’ll meet new people and make fun memories, even if whatever you try isn’t your favorite. You also don't always need to do things that will look good on your transcript or resume, try something new and fun that you’ve always wanted to do but you’re scared of. I tried journalism my freshman year of high school, and now I'm graduating, leader of the journalism club. I’ve seen friends of mine, start podcasts and produce music so if you want to do it, just go for it!

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