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Dylan Sands

Senior Farewell

Trying to sum up my high school experience in a single article is a task that seems more difficult than the classes I’ve taken in the past few years. An accurate representation of my time here is this article, as I sit here in study hall the day it is due, typing away and hoping I can finish writing it in time. High school hasn’t ever come easy to me, possibly the opposite, but I made it. Part of what kept me going was my love for literature. It was consistently the only class that I got excited about at the start of the year. I used to read a lot more, but I got busy during school and got stressed and have not done much in my free time.

Despite that, I decided to take Journalism.I hadn’t done much writing up to this point, but I thought to give it a shot. I discovered the joy of writing, and the ability to express everything through words. I started to love writing, and actually break down what I read to understand it better. Often times I would be late with an article, or sometimes I would never write one. That wasn’t for lack of trying; often I would sit in front of a computer staring at a blank document just trying to get something to show through. I do that a lot nowadays, because writer's block has had me in a chokehold all year. Over my time in journalism, I have met some amazing people and learned lessons that will stick with me forever. 

What I am trying to say is that high school isn’t for everyone, but there is a bit of light that shines through in every opportunity. Find the thing you have passion for and focus on that. Through my love for stories, I want to tell my own one day. Whether that be through films, books, or songs, that passion for creation is always there and has been honed by classes like literature and journalism. I am thankful for my years here, for the friends but also for the knowledge and passion that I was given. I am thankful for the standout staff and teachers who have helped me through the years with my various difficulties, and most importantly for the close connections and friendships I have formed in my time at SGA.  

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