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Quick Tips on How to be More Joyful

Rosemary Harper

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

By Rosemary Harper

Well, it’s about that time of year.

The time of year when it’s freezing cold outside and rains a lot. The time of year when it gets dark early. The time of year when all of us, as students, are bombarded with heaps of homework and projects and tests. The time of year when summer seems so, so far away.

As I was trying to decide a topic for my article, I just kept thinking about how tired, and maybe overwhelmed, all of us are. And so I decided that we all needed some encouragement and positive content in our lives :)

That’s why I compiled a short list of tips and things to do to relieve stress and help you feel happy. Here you go!

  • Start your day off in a positive way. I know, I know, I feel like a zombie in the mornings, too. Mornings are hard. So, find a way to make mornings a little better! Maybe you can keep a jar next to your bed with pictures and quotes that make you happy, and you can pull one out each day as you get out of bed. Maybe you can change your alarm so that when it wakes you up, it’s playing one of your favorite songs. Maybe once a week, you make an amazing meal for breakfast that takes just a little more time. There are a million little things you can do to make your A.M. more pleasant!

  • Take a walk outside. Walks are scientifically proven to be good for you in, like, every aspect imaginable. God gave us legs and the outside for a reason! Seriously, walks are so satisfying. They give your mind a break and a chance to process, and you get to enjoy some fresh air. And of course, I know you already know all of this-- but when’s the last time you actually went for a walk? Exactly.

  • Smile more at the small things. Find tiny reasons to be happy every day. I’ve been working on this a lot more recently, and I can promise you-- if you look, there are reasons to be joyful and grateful all around you. Keep your eyes open, and smile more. It really, really works.

  • Listen to happy music. Obviously, just listening to music in general will make most people happy. But on the rough days, how much are your slow, sad tunes actually going to help you? Try making a playlist that specifically has positive, upbeat, happy songs in it (or go check out Olivia’s Happy Jams article). Listen to it every once in a while to boost your mood.

  • Exercise. Okay, okay, I know. Most people don’t like working out-- they don’t have the time, they don’t have the energy, and it hurts. I get you. But just a few minutes (less than 10) of exercise will give you a break from school, help you release some energy, and is really good for your health. Just try it! 10 minutes can’t hurt, right?

  • Take a few moments to spend time with God. In case you didn’t know, true joy and happiness come from Jesus :) Which makes this one the most important one on the list. I know most of us feel like we don’t have time to read our Bibles. But just try setting aside a few minutes each day to read a couple of verses, and to PRAY. Prayer will fill you with more contentment than you can imagine. One more thing-- when is the last time you listened to Christian music? It may have been a while, and that’s okay. Pick a couple of good Christian songs that you enjoy and listen to them today. What you will probably realize is how good that music really is for your soul, and that it will leave you in a much more Jesus-centered, worshipful mindset the rest of the day.

Well, that wraps things up! I hope you enjoyed my list of 5 things to do to give you more joy. Remember- school won’t last forever, summer is coming, and Jesus gives you a million good things every day.

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