By Tori Harris
Settling back into a new school year can be difficult after the summer break. Many of us struggle with this transition, especially as we get older and the level of homework increases. Others start out strong but then halfway through the year begin to lose motivation, which decreases effort and productivity. Here are a few ideas for things we can do this school year to stay on track and boost our productivity.
Use a planner.
This one is a lifesaver for me in both school and life. Every Tuesday, we are assigned multiple homework assignments and given one week to complete them all. People go about this in different ways, but using a planner is extremely helpful. Try deciding after school what assignments you will do on which days and when you will study for tests, and write it all down. A planner also comes in handy for keeping up with school events, sports commitments, club activities, church, and anything else you may have going on.
2. Create a routine and stick to it.
Determine what specific time of day and place work best for you. Maybe you need a cup of coffee or hot tea before you begin. Perhaps you light a candle and put on your favorite pair of sweatpants. Maybe you do the hard assignments first, or start with the lighter stuff and work your way up to the harder work. Play to your strengths and create a daily routine that works for you. It takes 90 days for something to become a habit, so if you stick with your new routine, it will quickly become a normal part of your life, benefiting you (and your grades!) greatly.
3. Get rid of distractions.
This is a hard one. According to research from The Treetop Therapy, the average human attention span is 8.25 seconds. In comparison, the attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. Gen Z in particular is notorious for this short attention span and being constantly distracted, mainly by our phones. When doing schoolwork, we must eliminate as many distractions as possible. And yes, that includes tossing the phone to the side.
4. Take care of yourself.
Don’t overlook this step! Being productive requires getting adequate sleep, a nutritious diet, and taking time for yourself. No one can get much work done when exhausted and sleep-deprived. Breaks are also important. Sure, we could get a lot done if all we did was sit at our computers and do school, but making a habit of that will eventually lead to burnout. We must incorporate breaks into our daily routines and ensure we are taking time for ourselves. Our minds and bodies will thank us for it!