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  • Vivian Crawford

Pi Day Is Coming Up!!

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

By: Vivian Crawford

What is National Pi day?

Pi day is on 3/14 because as you all hopefully know, pi is approximately 3.14. It actually goes on and on forever, but that is the usual answer people give. I’m kind of a math nerd and have always wanted to have at least 50 digits memorized, but so far i’m only at 20 digits: 3.1415926535897932384… I find math really cool because it's just problem solving and math is literally EVERYWHERE. Pi day is for all of the math nerds out there like me to talk about math and recite hundreds of digits, and for those of y'all who don't like math, it is the perfect excuse to eat lots of pie.

What is pi?

Pi is a mathematical symbol that is approximately 3.14, and it is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. The diameter is the measurement from one side of the circle to the opposite, running through the center. The circumference is the distance around the circle. You can use pi to calculate the circumference if you know the diameter.

Celebrating Pi day!

Since Pi Day is such a great holiday, lots of pizza restaurants have sales on their pizzas:

Papa John’s Pizza – National – Buy a large pizza at regular menu price and get a large 1-topping pizza for $3.14! At participating locations only.”

Marco’s Pizza – National – Buy any large pizza at menu price and get another one of equal or lesser value for only $3.14 with code PIDAY2020.

“Your Pie – All Locations/National – The National pizza franchise Your Pie (70+ locations) will celebrate the world’s favorite mathematical constant by offering its signature 10-inch pizzas for the price of Pi (just $3.14!). The app is available for download at”

You guys should also check out this website that I got some of my information from and it has lots of other interesting things!

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