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Vivian Rice

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Written by Vivian Rice

Time passes all too quickly for some, while

Others think of life as dreary and slow.

I think, it’s best to take a minute’s smile,

Why waste time? With idleness, we won’t grow.

What do I mean, you might possibly ask?

Do you think our lives are sorely fleeting?

Even with tedious toiling tasks,

There’s thanks to be found in the bright morning.

Through the hurt, pain and bitter sadness, cry,

It’s a great blessing to express your heart.

But never stop reaching up towards the sky,

Life only ends when death says “do we part.”

So keep you your head holding high and up,

Misery might yet have not filled your cup.

Our own flimsy actions only to blame

For imprudent futures and foolish fate,

Decisions left and right, make no mistake,

You cannot treat life as a selfish game.

Take heed from the ones crowned with silver flames,

Those who refused to let their lives them break,

They sing, “keep living in all you partake,”

As they, for us, endured life’s joys and shames.

Turbulent twists and turns of tragic time

Have plagued people since God’s good creation.

Will one choose the path of Christ or cruel crime?

Move forward and cause your doom or salvation

In youth, mid years, old age or our grand prime,

There’s no time for fickle oscillation.


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