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Must-Haves for College Dorms

Vivian Rice

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

By Vivian Rice

Living in a college dorm is the in-between of your childhood home and your adult home. It’s not for everyone, but for those who choose to dorm in college, it’s an exciting new phase of life. To my fellow seniors who will be moving to college dorms in a few months, here are eight vital things to have for your dorm to survive the next four years.

1. Power strip

Extra power outlets mean prioritizing which device gets charged isn’t an issue.

2. Long phone charger

If you have a loft bed, a long charger is helpful to charge your phone and still be able to reach your phone.

3. Bedside caddy

This is a little extra storage that is attached to the side of the bed, very useful to store things close to your bed.

4. Desk lamp

A desk lamp is perfect for late-night (really early morning, but who’s counting) homework hours.

5. Vacuum cleaner/Swiffer

Dorm floors can get nasty, and no one likes gritty floors; a vacuum cleaner helps keeps your college space clean.

6. Mini-fridge

This is more needed if you plan on cooking but is also handy for storing leftovers.

7. Board games and cards

Make some friends by destroying your new classmates in Uno and Monopoly; all’s fair in love and war, as long as you’re winning.

8. Good roommate

Good roommates can make or break that first year of college, and finding an excellent roommate that you get along with is essential to creating a great college experience.

College is the gray area between depending on parents and living on your own; make the best of your college experience by creating a great dorm environment. Good luck!


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