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International Women’s Day: Celebrating the Equality and Achievements of Women

Kaidee Bolden

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

By: Kaidee Bolden

On this day since 1911, people everywhere remember and celebrate the cultural, economic, and social achievements of women around the world. It's a time to reflect on women who have helped shape the future for young minds around the globe. It has become a day that is all about unity, advocacy, and equality.

International Women's Day had its beginnings in 1908 when over 15,000 women marched in

New York City in hopes of gaining shorter hours, better pay, and voting rights. A year later, people celebrated the first National Women's day in the United States. Later, in 1911, the very first International Women’s Day was held in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland following a decision made in Copenhagen. In 1913, the day of equality and remembrance was moved to March 8 after Russian women celebrated their first International Women’s Day on that date.

Over the years, International Women’s Day has changed and evolved, gaining new themes each year, such as “Women and Human Rights” in 1998 and “World Free Of Violence Against Women” in 1999. It has grown to mean many different things to different people. Some celebrate it in remembrance of women who have changed history, and others use it as a reminder to fight for equality for women everywhere.

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