How do we say goodbye? That is a question I have pondered over for weeks while trying to write this article. How do you encapsulate every emotion, make a painting out of words so you leave behind the best product, and give people something to remember you by? Yeah, I couldn't tell you. I can't give advice that will mean anything or make people tear up from reading this. What I can do is revisit the memories that I have made over the past six years.
I can remember stressing in study hall and crying in the bathroom. Getting both high grades and low ones. Not understanding anything in AP chemistry, and having cramming sessions every Monday night. I went from having a tiny friend group to a big one and then back to a small one, and I learned what it truly means to have someone be your friend. I made mistakes, and I failed many times. I realized precisely what it takes to defend your beliefs and how important it is to always stand firm for yourself and those you care about. These halls have indeed seen it all; the laughter, the tears, and everything in between.
So, when I look back over the last six years, I have realized that I don't want to regret anything. Because regret doesn't lead you forward, it keeps you looking back. Living presently is what makes you able to enjoy life. A quote by Annie Dillard has really stuck with me: "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." It's a reminder to prioritize joy in the little things—to find hobbies that make us happy, to read books we enjoy, and to surround ourselves with people who lift us up. Because life is best spent in the moment, not worrying too much about the past or future.
Life doesn't leave time for regrets and anxiety; if your time is spent on mistakes, you will miss the happy moments. It will never be perfect, and that’s okay. That's what I would say if I could go back and talk to myself at the beginning of high school because it’s so important to understand that having bad days is okay. Let those make your good ones so much sweeter.
So, even after all that, I'm still figuring out how to say goodbye. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know. But for now, let's settle for this: a short snippet into my memories, a message to my past self, and a small reminder to live each day the way you want to spend the rest of your life.