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How to Rebound with Mindfulness

Cali Alvarez

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

By Cali Alvarez

Our theme this month is “rebounding,” all about starting fresh, being rejuvenated, and getting back to what feels like us. But how exactly do we do that? Sometimes, starting fresh can feel overwhelming, especially when life and school and work are already so busy and in full-swing.

Starting fresh can also mean starting slow. In “rebounding,” it’s important to focus on your wellbeing. So in this article, I’ll be sharing a few ways you can “rebound” with mindfulness this semester.

1. Spend time with God

Sitting in God’s presence is without a doubt the ultimate way to find peace and feel refreshed. Whether it’s sitting down with the Bible in the morning, finding a quiet place to pray aloud, or reading a daily devotional, spending time thanking God for our blessings and building our relationship with Him is vital to a healthy rebound.

Not sure where to start? How about…

  • When you wake up every morning, take five minutes--before you check your phone, before you get out of bed--and thank God for all that you’re grateful for.

  • Take out your Bible and open it up; choose a passage on one of the pages it opened to and write down your thoughts about it after you’ve read it.

  • Find a few gospel and/or worship songs that help you to feel uplifted and listen to them whenever you need a boost!

2. Start a new routine

If you’re in need of a fresh routine, now is the time. Start by writing down your ideal morning routine and then put it together to fit your lifestyle. Make sure your morning routine is tailored to whatever you need more: peace and quiet, slow and steady, upbeat and fun--whatever will help you get your day started on the right foot.

Not sure what elements to include in your new morning routine? Here are some ideas…

  • Skincare (wash your face, moisturize, etc.)

  • Exercise (stretching, short workout, dance, etc.)

  • Quiet time (prayer, reading the Bible, etc.)

3. Do something you love

Getting back to doing what makes you feel like you is a great way to kick off a “fresh start.” Whatever that looks like to you--reading your favorite book, singing a song, crafting something, baking, writing, playing a sport, coding, painting, etc. Spending time on something you love doing that makes you feel good and healthy and happy is so important, especially when you’re hitting the reset button.

Not sure how to incorporate time for this? How about…

  • Wake up a little earlier to do something you love before you really get your day started.

  • Set a timer for 5-10 minutes if you just need a short burst of a favorite activity.

  • Schedule in time for doing what you love like you’d schedule time for school, work, etc.

No matter how you choose to “rebound” this fall, I hope you found these suggestions inspiring.

Do you have another favorite way to begin a season of starting fresh? Comment below!

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