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Honoring Those Who Came Before: Biblical Women

Savannah Scott

By Savannah Scott

Women's History Month is upon us, and everyone is celebrating the remarkable women who have contributed to their lives. However, while it is easiest to appreciate those who are still here, we cannot forget all the women of history, specifically religious history, who did incredible things to inspire people everywhere. This article will discuss the impact of several different Biblical women.

Deborah, the First Biblical Female Judge (Judges 4-5)

Deborah is remarkable because she is the first female judge in the Bible, placing her among one of the most memorable women. Her tenacity of thought and obedience to God helped to lead the Israelites out of bondage. Her contribution cannot go unnoticed. Without her strength and strong military leadership, we may not be where we are today as Christians.

Jochebed, the first woman to sacrifice her child (Exodus 2:1-10; Exodus 6:20)

We all know Moses is one of the greatest Biblical leaders, but it all began with his mother, Jochebed. Jochebed, loving her son too much to kill him per orders, worked with her daughter to hide him for months. When hiding him could no longer work, she placed him in a holder and sent him down the river in hopes he would live in serenity. He was then picked up and raised by Bithiah, and the rest is history. However, let it be known that without Jochebed, that history was not as likely.

Priscilla, The Biblical Businesswoman (Acts 18)

Priscilla is often remembered doing missionary work with Paul, but she was actually a notorious businesswoman. She and her husband made and sold leather. This is significant because we don’t know of many women in the Bible who held jobs outside of their homes. Priscilla is an inspiration to many women who work.

Whether notorious or vastly unknown, each woman from the Bible has made a contribution to society. Through their tenacity, obedience to God, and strength of character, they have helped shape generations to come.

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