Author | Alex Woolf |
Freedom in modern day language is defined by the ability to govern our own actions, to decide for ourselves, and think our own thoughts without restraint. When we first think of freedom, political freedom or religious freedom usually comes to mind, but what does freedom in Christ truly mean? The other day someone broke my heart with her story about deciding to stray from God because she felt weighted and guilty each time she cracked her Bible or went to church. Growing up, she was told about God’s harsh and judging nature, which created a heart full of unnecessary shame. It shaped her view and image of God completely. To me, this shows that Christians today are failing in their job of showing the true nature of our Lord and Savior.
“For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” - Romans 8:2
In Romans 8:2 it states that His spirit of life redeems us, making the laws of sin and death no longer valid for you as a forgiven Christian. Therefore, we need not feel shame, nor guilt. Sadly, this is one of the toughest concepts for Christians because of our spirit that pulls at us with conviction. Though all mankind needs such conviction, this feeling does not override God’s promise of forgiveness and freedom. Dwelling on our unworthiness drives a wedge between us and God, as it did for my friend. Her time spent in the word brought only more guilt and a resonating feeling of lacking, rather than God’s intention of freedom and peace.
But if I don’t feel guilty, won’t I continue to commit sin? Good question! A common idea among Christians is to dwell on our unworthiness with the hope that it will create enough motivation to not commit sin. However, they are sadly mistaken. Our belonging and worth is what drives us to want to reflect the character of God and to show others how much they are missing without Jesus. Anyone can feel guilt but few experience freedom. If we are pursuing God, His purpose for our life, and becoming each day more like Him, the motivation to not commit sin is already there.
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” - 2 Corinthians 3:17
My friend, don’t be discouraged by the misguided beliefs of others. God’s promises are meant to lift and lighten your spirit, to bring joy and peace. He wants everything in life that is good and perfect for you. As His child, His beloved, rejoice in all you have been given, because you have no pack to be carried and no chains that hold you. Freedom in God is about acceptance, not goodness. The murderer and the pastor have the same forgiveness, love, grace, and peace readily available to them. It's simply about accepting who you are as a righteous child of God.
So, I encourage you to remind yourself that you are free, that there is truly nothing you should fear, be ashamed of, be judged for, or be weighted by. God’s freedom is not freedom from jail, where your history will still follow you, or freedom with laws you must conform to or be punished. Like a bird of the air or a lion in the wild, your spirit is beautiful and without restraint when held by Almighty God.
“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” - John 8:36