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Fall Dance Promo

Vivian Rice

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Vivian Rice

Hey, Scholars Guild! Have you heard??? There's a new event coming to SGA this year for High Schoolers! It's the first Fall Dance, hosted by the hard-working Student Life Committee on November 8, 7-10 pm. Get excited, folks! It's like Homecoming, except with a different name; the SLC has been working hard at getting this dance up and going! It's a chance to see your SGA friends outside of school without worrying about that wacky test grade or surprise pop quiz; you’re not the only one to hate those sneaky quizzes. You also get to dress up nicer than you probably usually do.

Olivia Troutman, a junior in high school and a member of the SLC, stated, "You don't want to miss a new event." She described the Fall Dance as "new and exciting. The highlight will probably be the dancing since you get to pick your songs."

That's right, everyone! If you've seen the recent emails from the admin, then you know that you have the opportunity to submit songs of your choice to be played at the dance through a Google Drive link found in the emails. They will be reviewed to ensure the songs are appropriate, but this year, students can submit songs they want to jam out to on the dance floor! One senior commented on the new idea, "We want to hear what other people listen to," she said, referring to her sister.

Jude Bole, a freshman this year and a new SGA student, is a brave fellow who will be attending. "It's new. It'll be fun, I guess," Jude said. Even if you're not sure, give it a try! You never know what you could be missing!

SGA HIGH SCHOOLERS!!! Don't miss out on a fabulous night like this! Mark your calendars for November 8, 7-10 pm, at the Grace Monroe Mills! The day is almost here! Quoting a dear character we know as Tony Stark, “Happy trails, kid.”

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