By Vivian Rice
“This is Halloween, this is Halloween!”
While the origins of the October holiday are derived from All Hallow’s Eve and Samhain, two days completely on the opposite spectrum, the modern-day participation of Halloween is more fun and enjoyable for people of all ages, particularly when it comes to the dress-up part. Halloween is one of the few times a year anyone can be whoever they want, whether it’s an astronaut, a glittering snow fairy, or Captain Jack Sparrow. Costumes have been an integral component of memorable Halloweens for years. This year, two amazing students were radiant with their shining costumes, and of course, their creative outfits just had to be shared with everyone. Thank you both for sharing!
Evie Martin, fifth grade, a fabulous model of the ’80s.
Caroline Rice, eighth grade, a hey-ho sailor of the seven seas.