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Best Ways to Fully Enjoy Fall

Faith Crippen

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Author | Faith Crippen |

Autumn is in full swing, and everyone is taking in the colorful leaves and wonderful weather – with some people already getting excited for Christmas! But, on the topic of fall, here’s a list of five-fun-fall activities you can do while you put off homework.

  1. Take a walk; it can be a hike, or just a short stroll around your neighborhood. Listen to music and take in the scenery! Along the way, you can collect leaves, take pictures, etc – as long as you’re enjoying yourself.

  2. Take some time for yourself – light your favorite candle and settle down with a book! I know that, for some of us, it’s been a long while since we’ve been able to read anything non-school related.

  3. Watch a movie! Despite it being November, you can still enjoy Halloween or Christmas movies.

  4. Make some sort of fall themed treat – pumpkin or pecan pie, apple cider, cinnamon rolls, apple crisp – the possibilities are endless!

  5. Go to an event! There are plenty of cheap apple farms or fall festivals around where you can be pandemic-safe and outdoors, with activities like hayrides, corn-mazes, and bonfires.

Fall presents unlimited opportunities, so appreciate the season while you can!

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