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An Interview with Mrs. Cathy Strange

S.K. Bacon

An Interview with Mrs. Cathy Strange about the Importance of SGA’s Guild Guides

by S.K. Bacon

In this article, we take the time to talk to Mrs Cathy Strange — the teacher of two different high school Leadership courses and Director of Guild Guides (GG) here at SGA — and ask her a couple of questions about the Guild Guides.

How did the Guild Guides begin here at Scholars Guild Academy?

Mrs. Strange: “In my Leadership II class about five years ago, my students were asked to think of something they are passionate about and to determine how they can implement a program that our school community would benefit from. They researched, interviewed students and staff, created a proposal, presented it to the Admin team and then the entire class worked together to define the goal and implement it while incorporating the leadership skills they had learned. The following school year, Guild Guides was introduced.”

Why do you think the Guild Guides are important here at SGA?

Mrs. Strange: “The Guild Guides program provides a bridge between middle school students and upperclassmen. Therefore, the younger students are befriended by someone they can look up to and learn from. When they see them in the hallway, during study hall, and at other SGA events, the younger students have a buddy in their corner. For the upperclassmen, they are given the opportunity to enjoy mentoring the younger students and demonstrating the importance of connection. They build trust between them, and therefore, it allows the middle school students the chance to discuss information freely.”

Why would you encourage students to join the Guild Guides as either a Mentor (grades 9-12) or a Mentee (grades 5-8)?

Mrs. Strange: “This program is a great way to connect across the grade levels. The benefits of GG are more than just at the events but also an investment into one another's lives. Although not a full-blown mentorship program, it does, however, provide a means of connecting our community of students to allow them to grow in confidence and positively influence others.”

Overall, being a mentor or a mentee in the Guild Guides program is a fantastic way to build relationships and get more involved here at Scholars Guild. It could also be a way for you to help share the Gospel. Hebrews chapter 13 says, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” We are here to help our friends and point them back to God’s goodness and grace as best as possible. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2).

If you have any questions about the Guild Guides or want to know if there is any way you can help, you can reach out to Mrs. Cathy Strange or ask one of the members of the GG Mentor team.

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