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Charlie Prickles on "Refresh"

April, Lydia, and Charlie Prickles

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | Lydia Rice, Charlie Prickles, and April Breedlove |

Lydia: March is supposed to be the month that heralds in Spring and Spring is supposed to herald in the rebirth of mother Earth. For me, that means I spend the entire month of March choking on pollen every time I so much as step a pinky toe out the front door, but hey, at least nature is blooming. March is the month of flowers beginning to poke their little heads out of the ground and grow again. Those green leafy things called plants start popping up and that brown scratchy stuff called grass starts popping right back onto your chore list. If this is all sounding a bit negative, that’s because March is not a slow month. March is full of business. The second semester is in full swing as summer creeps closer and teachers assign more work and kids want to do less work.

So yes, March is hectic, but what I found so great about our theme this month is the idea that refreshing needs to be a choice. March is filled with flowers blooming and things refreshing from the winter cold and all of those things take work. Every dandelion shooting out of the ground is the work of a bunch of biological ecosystems. So if we want to be refreshed and renewed, we have to put in the effort. Whether it’s making the choice to stop and smell the roses (gotta keep up that flower analogy), spend times with friends, or shake things up in our routines and do something crazy, it’s up to us. The Guild Gazette worked really hard to reflect this newness in our issue this month and we hope you enjoy it!

Charlie Prickles: I can honestly say I need some refreshing right about now. I have been stuck under a purple light ever since Lydia tried to fling me from my pot in a murder attempt. The purple rays are supposed to help me grow, but the trade-off is their cat constantly tries to eat me. But, from my new home on the counter under the purple light, I’ve been able to see life around the house a lot differently. So for me personally, I like to view “refresh” as an opportunity to do things differently: a new approach, a new way of looking at things, and a new perspective.

April: To me, the word “refresh” means to be given a new life. To be revived. To have a newfound enthusiasm to take on whatever the world throws at you. Being that the end of the school year is near, a lot of us probably need a little bit of refreshing. Finals are on their way, projects due dates are quickly approaching, and life might just be all around stressful. But we at the Guild Gazette intend for this next batch of articles to give you a little bit of refreshing. So take a quick break from life, school, or whatever else is getting in the way, give these articles a read, and return to your regularly scheduled daily activities feeling rejuvenated, reinvigorated, and refreshed.

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