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Hit the Spiritual Refresh Button

Nancy Glasscock

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | Nancy Glasscock |

Quick question, what does the word “refresh” mean to you? Think about that for a minute now. Whether it is mentally, physically, or spiritually, what does that verb mean to you?

When asked the same question, many fellow SGA students related the following words/phrases to the above: “cool,” “starting over,” “second chances,” “to update,” “restoring,” “new life,” “renewing,” etc.

With these answers in hand, I began to ponder what this all means. When you are physically tired, you sleep, and when you are physically thirsty, you drink something. But, what about when you are mentally tired and mentally thirsty? What about when its spiritual? What does it really mean to be refreshed in Christ?

The exact definition of the term refresh is to “give new strength or energy to; reinvigorating.”


Expanding on the phrases stated above, I looked to the Bible for answers.

“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.” Isaiah 56:17

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” II Corinthians 4:16

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” II Corinthians 5:17


After reading an extensive amount of scripture, all similar to the verses listed above, I wanted to hear what some students had to say. When asked the question “how do you become spiritually refreshed,” the majority of responses came down to this; “to repent and to be forgiven,” “to give it all to God,” to surrender your life to Him,” “to rest in his peace,” etc.

Life can push you to the point where you just can not take it any longer. You are stressed out of your mind and you don’t know where to turn. Expectations are off the charts, society is constantly demanding, and strength is the only option, right? You just have to keep pushing, put on a smile, and make it a few more days. A few more weeks. A few more months. Then you can rest. Wrong! It’s never going to end. The standards are not going to lower, and society is not going to change. The stress is not going to lessen, and sleep is not the only answer.

So, what does this little rant have to do with spiritual refreshment? Well, when I think of refresh, especially spiritual refreshment, I think of peace. And isn’t that what we are all striving for? Even if we do not really think about it, deep down all we want is peace. Ultimate peace and rest.

Think about it, when your computer gets stuck, stressed out, overloaded, and weighed down with demands, you hit the refresh button. It spins for a little while, sometimes a little too long, and then everything is back to normal. Your speedy internet rushes in and gets the job done. That button fixed the problem, but only after you pushed. Only after you asked for its help.

Our spiritual relationship with Christ is actually quite similar. God is always there, He always has been, but do we really use His power, everything that He has offered us, to its full extent? Reflecting back on the verses above, with Christ we are renewed. In Him we are made new. No matter what happens to our worldly selves, with Him, we get a fresh start every single day.


Despite whether standards lower or expectations change, if we give it all up to Christ, that does not really matter. When we turn things over to Him, they are no longer our battle to fight. Christ says, “I have told you these things. So that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.) He also says that “Yet I hold against you: You have forsaken your first love.” (Revelation 2:4.)

Those two verses put together give us the answer. A convicting one, but an answer none the less. Christ, our first true love, has given us everything we need. Actually, more than we need, or deserve. He showers us with blessings day in and day out. In Him, we can find peace. In Him we can find eternal rest and healing. But is that our constant focus? Do we constantly reflect on His blessings? Is He the first person, the first thing, that we run to in our time of need, or when we are desperately looking for peace? God is like the refresh button on your computer. He always has and always will be there for you, you just have to ask for the help.

I agree with every single answer listed in response to my questions stated above, I do. But I also received some answers similar to “I don’t know, I never really think about that kind of stuff” and “that’s not really a priority to me,” which was a little disheartening. Christ has overcome this world, and to most people, the topic isn’t even in the forefront of their mind.

I do not know about you, but eternal peace and refreshment sounds amazing to me. I would give anything to live a perfect, stress-free life, with not a single care in the world. But this world is filled with evil, and God promised us that we would face troubles. But He also promised us that if we choose to spend eternity with Him, then we will never have to face those fears again.

If it takes a conversation, a question, to get someone to think about what He has given us, so be it. If that is what it takes, then give what it takes. Now that you know what spiritual refreshment is, find peace in Christ, and once you do, start a conversation or ask someone a question, and tell them what it means to hit the spiritual refresh button. You never know the impact that can make until you make it.

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