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  • Kelsey Howlett

Self-care, Not Selfish

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | Kelsey Howlett |

Homework, friends, work, sports, and even church are all different activities you might have in a day. How you spend your day is entirely up to you, your personality, and your lifestyle. Me? I am very driven. I am always doing something. I hate the idea of being “bored.” I frankly believe people who are bored choose to be; however, most people disagree with me.

This month’s theme is “Have Heart.” To me, “Have Heart” can be similar to strength of spirit. Self-care is such an essential part of a healthy mind and spirit. It strengthens you as a person and provides peace after a long stressful day. As busy as you are, everyone can take 1-5 minutes a day to treat yourself. Days get overwhelming, work and school can be chaotic, drama with friends can be draining, so it is important to take time for you. In other words, spoil yourself. Self-care is achievable in many different ways. I asked a bunch of students for a few different examples.


Nancy Glasscock- “For me my big thing is always putting aside time for hygiene, whether that be skin care, showers, or also my daily devotions.”

Lily Branch - “This is the best self-care.” (Picture on the right)

Mrs. Hensley- “I’d say my quiet time, and I always do yoga in the morning.”

Abigail Hanglider- “I hang out with my dogs.”

Lydia Rice- (one of our fearless leaders)- she says nothing, but I will tell you that every day she takes a 3 second shower right before she bolts into the car to my warehouse with soaking wet hair, because she is possibly going to be late.

Haley James- “I usually will take some time in the morning to be just myself, and use that time to reflect and think about what I need to do that day, what’s the best way to do it, and what I need to do better etc. In terms of physical stuff, I like to workout in the mornings because I feel it helps relieve some stress.”

Makayla Warren- “I always try and end my day spending time just listening to music and spending time with God to end my night on a positive note.”

Jillian Britt- “haha drink coffee. It is a need, but if drinking coffee doesn’t count, I usually snuggle with my cats or bunny at least once a day.”

Brianna Fagan- “One thing I do is self-care is journal. It helps me to review my day/week/month and see what kind of spiritual/emotional state I am in.”


As for me, I exercise every day, and also after my job, I take ten minutes to do nothing productive. I will chill with my dogs, talk to friends, or just sit on my couch.

If you are reading these and realizing you should be spending more time for yourself, let me help you out with an easy start. This few minutes can completely change your mood, and your motivation for the day, or night.

  • Do a dragon breath (if you don’t know what that is look it up)

  • Be quiet for 3 minutes straight. No phones, no music, no people, and definitely no clocks.

  • Do some stretches, touch your toes, roll your shoulders

  • And be selfish. If you are a people pleaser, for a few minutes do what you want to do. Eat ice cream, watch a show, talk to your best friend, take a nap. All of these simple things will affect you in the long run. They are totally worth it. Enjoy yourself :)


3 John 1:2 - Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.


From one crazy stressed person to another,


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