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  • Nancy Glasscock

Are You On Your To-Do List?

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | Nancy Glasscock |

Most of your time is spent focusing on others; helping others, pleasing others, meeting expectations, deadlines, etc. With little sleep and a coffee in each hand, you tend to fall into the endless cycle of stress and lassitude. Most people can go through an entire day without ever really taking time for themselves. When you intentionally set the time aside to take care of yourself both physically and mentally, your whole outlook on life can change.


One way that you can take care of yourself is through mental calmness. With the growing number of tasks on your plate every day, your head can easily get “clouded” stress. If you set aside just a few moments every day to clear your mind, I can promise that your stress level will drop drastically. Now, this is different for everyone, but I am sure you can find what works best for you. Whether it is writing down your thought or literally thinking of nothing, find a way to give your brain a break and I bet it will start working faster than ever.


Another way that you care take care of yourself is through physical exercise. Whether it is yoga or Pilates, running or walking, stretching or strengthening, it doesn’t matter, as long as your moving. Getting your heart rate up and taking care of your body can, not only help you stay healthy, but also help you grow to appreciate yourself. When you stay physically active, your entire attitude can change. I can promise you that you will have a lot more energy, as well as a brighter outlook on everything.


Lastly, the most important way to take care of yourself, is spiritually. If there is only one thing that you take away, let it be a reminder to never stop strengthening your relationship with Christ. Life is tough, but it is even worse when your alone. When stress overwhelms you, ask for His peace. When you feel lost, ask for His hand. When you feel weary, ask for His strength. “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7.


The only way to make it through life on top is to take care of yourself. I know you have a pile of tasks waiting for you; a mound of work that you’ve put off, but know, the more effort you put into yourself and the closer you are to God, the more motivated and productive you will be in the end. So, when you start your day, ask yourself, “Am I on my to-do list today?”

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