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Disney Dreamers Academy 2019: My Experience

April Breedlove

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | April Breedlove |

This year, I was one of 100 high school students chosen out of over 10,000 applicants to attend the 2019 Disney Dreamers Academy (DDA). This is a program sponsored by Steve Harvey, Essence Magazine, and of course, Disney. Being chosen as a Disney Dreamer, me and the 99 other teens were flown down to Orlando, Florida for a 4-day, all expense paid trip to Walt Disney World where we heard from a plethora of inspirational speakers, met a multitude of incredible celebrities, and learned what it takes to turn our dreams into realities.

All 100 Disney Dreamers from this year's class. Can you find me? (Hint: I'm on the second row)

Despite the massive number applicants every year for this life-changing program, there is a surprising number of people who have never even heard of it. And for the few who have, a lot of them have no clue what actually goes on during the Academy. Luckily, being that I have had first hand experience at DDA, I am able to share my wonderful experience with you!

My journey to the Disney Dreamers Academy started back in October of 2018 when I waited a week and a half before the deadline to apply. The application actually opened up back in June of the same year. The reason that I procrastinated writing my essays so much is because I applied for the program the year before and had not been accepted. Being rejected from the Academy really disappointed me. When the application opened up the next year, I said to myself, “There are over 10,000 people who apply. What are the odds that I would be accepted.” As the deadline approached, I figured that I would be regret not giving it a shot. I remembered something that my mom always says, “Never let fear stop you from doing what you what you want because you don’t know what you might be missing out on.” I wrote my application in 10 days and submitted it the morning it was due, not expecting to hear back. Two months later, a couple of days before Christmas, I got an acceptance letter in the mail! I can definitely say that was one of the greatest Christmas gifts that I have, and may ever receive!

December 20, 2019 was the most exciting days of my life! I got home that evening and saw a flat UPS envelope sitting on my table. Knowing that the DDA acceptance letter are delivered via UPS, I rushed over and immediately ripped it open, disregarding the fact that it was addressed to my mom (shhh, don’t tell the cops.) I screamed, shoved it in my mom’s face, she screamed, and I immediately broke down, literally sobbing on the floor. I was in so much shock from actually being accepted that I wasn’t even able to read the letter until the next day because I couldn’t process what it said. Somewhere in the stacks of papers that we had to sign and send back to Disney was a contract saying that I wasn’t allowed to post anything about my acceptance on social media until they gave me the all clear. Trying not to immediately blast it all over Instagram was a lot harder than I expected.

Once we were given permission to talk about DDA social media, I found a ton of other 2019 Dreamers from every nook and cranny of the US. We made a huge group chat, and talked to each other every single day up until the moment we all met in Florida for this one-of-a-kind, 4-day experience.


Day 1

I woke up bright and early at 5:00 AM on the morning of March 21st, the first day of DDA. My dad dropped my mom and I off at the airport, and we were off to Orlando. After a quick flight and a brief bus ride, we made it to our BEAUTIFUL resort, Coronado Springs! While checking into our hotel room, I was able to meet some of the other Dreamers. Meeting them in person was so surreal. We had been chatting over Instagram for months, but finally being able to talk to these people in person was such a cool experience.

Once were all checked in, they bussed us off to Magic Kingdom where we rode a few rides, and got to be in a Disney Parade! I walked down Mainstreet, cheering and waving at the other park goers as I proudly held a purple sign that read “Atlanta, GA,” distinguishing me and the 13 other Georgian Dreamers from the rest of the students who came from all across the nation.

Some of the Disney Dreamers from Georgia

After all of our in-park festivities, we went to World Showplace in Epcot for the opening ceremony where we heard from a few of the speakers including George Kalogridis, the president of Walt Disney World.

Following the opening ceremony, we had a private early screening of the Dumbo movie which was not released until the next week (I may or may not have slept through the entire thing…).

At the end of a very long day, they finally got us back to out hotel room at almost 1 in the morning. This was actually the first time I had set foot in my hotel room due to the fact that it wasn’t ready when we first arrived.


Day 2

On the second day of the Academy, we ate a delicious breakfast, heard from some incredible speakers in a session called “100 Minutes That Could Change Your Life,” I did a few media interviews, and then headed over to Disney University for our Deeps Dives. The DDA Deep Dives are hands on career workshops where you are able to experience your future profession in a very “Disney” way. Being that I want to go to college for Computer Science, I was placed in the Technology Deep Dive. We learned how the Magic Bands and Magic Band Touch Points work, as well as coded the Touch Points so that they changed colors and sounds when activated by the Magic Bands. It was so cool to be able to manipulate and customize the actual code that Disney uses for their Magic Bands.

Afterwards, we had a very nice dinner with some of the speakers. All of the Dreamers split up at about 12 different round dinner tables with two speakers at each table. We were able to talk them one-on-one and ask them whatever questions we liked. Whether it be about life, careers, or family, no topic was off limits. It was nice to be able to have intimate conversations with these people, not seeing them as world-class super heros, but as normal people who experience the ups and downs of life just like we do. I learned a lot about everyone at that table, Dreamers and speakers alike, and we were gained lots of wisdom from each other.

Lastly on day 2 were the empowerment sessions. Males and females split up, and the girls took part in a program called “The Essence of You.” We heard from a panel of awesome speakers including Ruth E. Carter, the Oscar winning costume designer for Black Panther. We even had surprise guests, two of my absolute favorite singers, Chloe and Halle! For those of you who do not know who Chloe and Halle are, they are two sisters who got their musical start of YouTube, and were discovered and signed by Beyonce. They now have roles on the ABC show Grown-ish, and had the privilege of singing the America the Beautiful at the 2019 Super Bowl

Chloe and Halle's performance at this year's Super Bowl


Day 3

On the morning of day 3, we had the treat of going to Epcot bright and early at 7:00 AM before the park was open to the public, and we rode Soarin’ Around the World, a hang gliding simulation ride. We went back to World Showplace for breakfast, and then the girls played fun a game with Brandi and Karli Harvey, Steve Harvey’s daughters, called “Hot or Hmm?”. They showed us pictures of different outfits such as for school, work, or prom, and we had to use Emoji paddles to say if we thought the outfit was “Hot or Hmm.”

We got to hear from Dr. Steve Perry, a powerful speaker who gave us incredibly profound words of wisdom. And also, we got a few free goodies from Disney, including these stunning watches and beautiful pearls.

Following our morning sessions was free time to spend all day in Hollywood Studios. We rode a ton of rides, but Tower of Terror was definitely one of my all time favorites, and Toy Story Land was absolutely incredible!

We had another round of speakers when we got back to World Showplace that evening, but sadly, I barely remember what was said or what the session was about because I got sick. Yes, you heard me right. I, April Breedlove, got a fever at the Most Magical Place on Earth… and I was miserable. Luckily, the nurse was able to give me some Tylenol which made me feel a lot better, but I missed out on a large portion of the evening due to my unfortunate illness.

Once I was back on my feet, we participated in the Career Open Mouse. During the Career Open Mouse, which was an awesome networking event, we got to showcase the projects that we worked on the day before in our Deep Dives. My group, the technology team, was able to show off our customized Magic Band Touch Points to Disney Executives who work in the technology field. After speaking with a few people and handing out my business cards, I was able to make a ton of great connections with people who I am still in contact with.

On the night of day 3, that final night of the Disney Dreamers Academy, we had a Dessert Party. There was music, dancing, and of course, desserts! Mickey Mouse even came out and showed us some of his own moves. Who knew he was that talented


Day 4

The last day of DDA was so bitter sweet. Sweet because I had such an amazing experience, met so many cool people from all across the country, and gained so much wisdom from all of the speakers and celebrities. But bitter because the week was finally coming to a close.

All of the Dreamers and their chaperones/parents got all dressed up for the commencement ceremony where we ate a super fancy and very delicious breakfast. George Kalogridis spoke to us one last time, and we got to experience a wonderful performance by a choir called Keepers of the Dream.

Next, we had the ring ceremony. The parents and chaperones presented their Dreamers with the beautiful 2019 DDA class rings. The rings serve as a reminder of how far we have come, and as encouragement to keep dreaming. In the center of the ring is an image of Mickey Mouse touching the stars, it says “Disney Dreamers Academy 2019” on the outer edge, and on the inside of the ring, my name is engraved. I wear this ring every single day.


The last event of the 2019 Disney Dreamers Academy was the special performance of Circle of Life from the Festival of the Lion King show!

The Disney Dreamers Academy was such an incredible 4-day experience, and I am so honored to have been a part of this life-changing event! If you are in high school between the ages of 13 and 19, and would like to apply for the DDA Class of 2020, then click the link below. Want application tips? You can DM me on Instagram: @_april.breedlove_

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