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  • Sammi Rowell

Sammi Memes It (Meme Fallouts)

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author | Sammi Rowell |

(Photo credits to dreamstime)

Aloha and konichiwa (...I think that means how are you...), it’s me again, Sammi, and I’m back for another goofy article. You may be thinking, ‘Why Sammi, why? Isn’t one article cruel enough?’ To that I would say: yes, it definitely is, but that’s not what Journalism Club is here for. Anywho as you may have guessed by the title (or you may not have guessed, I don’t know) I am writing about meme failures (or fallouts). As a passionate STM (Save The Memes) activist and experienced connoisseur of memes, I am very insulted by the level of memes our world has stooped to. Memes should be good-humored but a lot of that is tainted with things like curse words and inappropriate content.

Once upon a time ago, when I was in UOM (University of Memes) procuring my Master’s degree in Meme Craftery (while also obtaining a Minor in the Science of Snickering, it’s also where I first became a MEMEber of STM), we were taught that foul humor is the least clever of all, and knocking on the President of the US is just straight-up disrespectful and unappreciated, Also we were taught to use the proper font size in captions for the best effect….it’s more important than it sounds…. In my twenty-three and 7/23 years of studying the art of memes, I have seen greatness and I have seen dankness. And let me tell you, a meme doesn’t have to have foul and inappropriate content to be enjoyable. Take it from me (and anyone who’s ever been on a group chat with me)- I look at the stupidest, goofiest memes and have no trouble enjoying them at all. I still laugh to this day about the “When life gives you lemons” man and the peanut butter baby...**pauses to chuckle**. These memes/vines were not only clean but legendarily hilarious (at least to me) and I could easily watch them in a room full of kiddos and/or grandparents without a single issue.

Memes HAD started out as relatively clean and easy to browse through with younger siblings in the room. Alas, like with most things on the Internet, the more fame they got, the more ill use they were put to. Now it is very difficult to find a stream of clean, much less funny memes to enjoy... They are out there, however, and I encourage you to find them; we must preserve what is left of this beautiful species. This brings me to the point of my argument, not only are memes failing in their original purpose, to be fun and easy to enjoy, the funny ones are dying.

I beg of you, please, save the memes. The delicate art of meme-ery is slowly dying out and only you can save it from extinction. Today I encourage you to stop by your local meme shelter and adopt a meme. They deserve a good loving home, one that only you can provide. They don’t eat much and they’re really easy to take care of. They don’t even take up one GB of space. Please just consider it…think of the impact this preservation could have on the lives of so many others. Join me and STM to embark on this journey and preserve all the iconic and glorious memes that we can. To join the movement, share your favorite (clean) meme with Journalism Club (#SAVETHEMEMES). Not that saving these majestic beauties will be easy, but in times of drought, it always helps me to turn to our motto at STM is: What on earth do you meme? Your help is appreciated.

Thank you,

-Sameme Rowell,

Ph.D. in Meme Psychology,

MD in Giggle administration,

Author of Memes and Your Mind: Why You Can’t Stop Giggling,

STM activist.

For more information about our Save The Memes movement, please contact us at:

1-800-HelpMeme Thank you!

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