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15 Reasons to Be Excited that School is Almost Over

Michael Powell

Updated: Jul 3, 2022

Author | Michael Powell |

  1. No Homework. Enough said.

  2. Pools.

  3. Spend Time in a Hammock. Because what is more relaxing than sitting in a sack hanging from a tree?

  4. Pollen Season is over. If you have allergies as bad as me, then you are also looking forward to the end of the dreaded yellow dust that gets on EVERYTHING.

  5. Fourth of July Fireworks. Even if you don’t like fireworks, you have to love celebrating the founding of America. But I like fireworks, so I know where I’ll be on the Fourth of July!

  6. Graduation. For any seniors out there, this is the end of an era for you and you will be moving on from high school and out into the world to college or where ever you are going to go.

  7. Even though we all love going to SGA, I we will not have to go in the summer. This has pros and cons: Pros: No Homework, Don’t have to go to school Cons: Don’t get to go to SGA :( .

  8. Actual free time. I know that I am super busy, and I feel like there are a lot of other people who feel my pain. The summer should be nice break from school so we have a little time to relax before we head back into the grind in May.

  9. Sleeping in till after noon. I feel like some of us already do this, but it would be nice to do it and not have homework that is being pushed off. Sometimes we just need to sleep with no homework on our minds.

  10. Water balloon fights. This one is one of my favorites. These days they make the water balloons so hard to pop though! If any water balloon manufactures are reading this, which I know they are, MAKE THEM EASIER TO POP!

  11. Spending quality time with family, friends, and pets. This one is basic, but a necessity. It is always nice to have some time to spend with friends and family.

  12. The beach. This one is probably my favorite one because who doesn’t like the beach? Even if you don’t like the ocean, you can still stay on the sand or eat TONS of seafood!

  13. Ice Cream and popsicles. These treats are at the top of my summer checklist. If there is no ice cream or popsicles, is it really summer?

  14. Warm Weather. Maybe. These days in Georgia you can never tell, but some warm weather is always good for a soul. Just kick back and relax in the sun for a while. GET SOME VITAMIN D!

  15. Spider-Man: Far From Home and other movies. I chose Far From Home because I am a Marvel fan, but I’m sure that there are some other fun summer movies that are going to be coming out! Just in case anyone was wondering, movies are also on my summer checklist.

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