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  • Izzie Parsons

“10 With 2”

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Author: Izzie Parsons

In honor of Scholars Guild’s 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY (!!), I talked with two teachers who have been here since SGA’s very beginning to get their take on its growth, what has and hasn’t changed, and additional insight and memories they had to share. So I present to you Mrs. Yount and Mrs. Wright, and what they have to say about our 10 year anniversary.

Mrs. Cheney, one of the first teachers at SGA (no longer teaching here.)

First off, Mrs. Yount:

How long have you been at SGA (what year did you start), and what classes do you currently teach?

I have been at SGA for 9 years (2010-2011 was my first year teaching - the first year we were at FBC Loganville). I have taught many different grades and classes but I currently teach Modern World History, Early World History with Research Methods, Government, and Economics.

Did you ever envision SGA growing to the size it is today, with not only so many students but with such a diverse range of classes?

I had NO IDEA that when we started SGA with approximately 8-9 teachers and 60-70 students that we would grow to the size we are today!! It has been amazing to watch so many wonderful students come through our doors and so many great classes and teachers added to our program. :) God’s plans are so often bigger than ours and this has definitely been one of those times!!

Besides its growth, what is the single biggest change in SGA since its start?

Hmmm . . . this is a difficult one. Maybe the variety of classes and upper-level (AP, etc) courses available at SGA?

What characteristics/traits of SGA are you happy that have not been lost in its growth? What makes you proud to be a teacher here?

The two characteristics of SGA that I believe have been maintained from the beginning are (1) an education based in a desire to honor the Lord and encourage others in all that is said and done, and (2) excellence in education. These are two of the characteristics that drew me (and my family) to SGA and I am so thrilled that they are still in place.

There are many reasons that I am proud to be a teacher at SGA. I am proud of all of the hard-working students I have had the opportunity to teach over the years and love being a small part of their lives and watching them become the young adults the Lord has created them to be. What a privilege to challenge them and support so many young people and their families both spiritually and academically (and hopefully impart in them a love for history!) as they grow and prepare for all that God has for them.

What has been your most memorable moment at SGA over the past 10 years?

It is hard to determine my most memorable moment but I can tell you a few of my most memorable moments . . .

- Handing SGA diplomas to my three oldest children (I know the graduation of my youngest will be GREAT, too!)

- National History Day State and National competitions with so many SGA students

- Watching the delight in students’ faces when they accomplish more than they ever thought possible

Lastly, just for fun! What pie-in-the-sky idea would you like to see achieved by SGA’s 20th anniversary?

I have no idea how possible it would be, but I would LOVE to have a huge reunion that involves all former students and graduates of SGA and their families!! There are so many students and families that have passed through our doors and classrooms and it would be so much fun to see everyone and find out where they are and what they are doing today!

Mrs Wright, in the early days of SGA.

Now, what Mrs. Wright has to say:

How long have you been at SGA (what year did you start), and what classes do you currently teach?

I started from Day 1, so 10 years and counting. I teach 9/10 Literature, alternating World Lit and Elements of Lit. But I’ve taught every level of lit except 11/12, and I also taught public speaking for high school. Along with that, I also coach the debate club.

Did you ever envision SGA growing to the size it is today, with not only so many students but with such a diverse range of classes?

I really did, actually. When we dreamed this up based on a desire the Lord had given us, we felt certain that it (SGA) had the potential to grow and meet many needs in the homeschool community.

Besides its growth, what is the single biggest change in SGA since its start?

I think the turnover of families from the ones who helped us get started. They are ALL gone except for our family! I would say we also have a more distinct and purposeful community as a school than when we began.

What characteristics/traits of SGA are you happy that have not been lost in its growth? What makes you proud to be a teacher here?

Excellence in academics, commitment to maintaining a heart of homeschooling, and moral character/excellence among our students.

The impact I have had on helping students grow and succeed.

What has been your most memorable moment at SGA over the past 10 years?

TOO MANY to pick just one…I loved our first year’s Veteran’s Day celebration, my first Ides of March Toga Party, and watching my sons graduate.

Lastly, just for fun! What pie-in-the-sky idea would you like to see achieved by SGA’s 20th anniversary?

I’d love to have a real homecoming/class reunion! Also, I’d love to see one of our graduates teaching at SGA.

A big THANK YOU to these two wonderful teachers for their time and for sharing their perspectives.

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