by Izzie Parsons

Each month, we’ve been celebrating 10 years of Scholar’s Guild with an article that has something to do with the number ten. Last time, Kelsey wrote about 10 changes with turning 18, and before that the ten most popular Christmas songs. This month, it was my turn! So, I decided to compile 10 crazy facts about spring, not only because our theme this month is “Marching into Spring,” but because at the time of my writing this article, (March 5th), spring is only 14 days away! So without further ado, I present to you 10 facts about this colorful, vibrant, beautiful season.
1. The first day of spring is called the “vernal equinox.” “Vernal” is latin for “spring” and “equinox” is latin for “equal night.”
2. Arizona and Hawaii do not follow daylight savings - they already have enough sunlight and hot weather.
3. Studies show that children grow faster in the spring than other times of the year - crazy right?!?
4. March is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. This is because March was the beginning of warfare season in ancient times.
5. Originally, “Spring” was called “Lent.” It was in the 16th century that the name changed.
6. 33% of Americans say spring is their favorite season.
7. The latin word for “season” is “sationem,” meaning “seed time.”
8. In the North Pole, spring equinox marks the beginning of 6 months of constant sunlight, whereas in the South Pole it marks 6 months of constant darkness.
9. Spring isn’t actually the start of pollen season, actually plants begin releasing it as early as early January!
10. The first day of Spring this year is Thursday, March 19th !!!