Losing Michael has been one of the hardest things that has happened in my life. It has taken me a while to sit down and actually write something, but what do you say to truly encompass all that a person means to you? I knew Michael for six years, and he was one of the best friends I have ever had. We first met in Mrs. McCart’s math class in 6th grade. I answered a question correctly, and he slowly turned around to look at me “sternly” to make me laugh. After that, we became very close, having mutual classes and clubs for the next few years until he transferred to BCA. We have too many memories together to even count, but some of my favorites include laughing during our Spanish classes, texting each other in Spanish, and the way we could talk to each other about anything. On the topic of conversation, our “Ted Talks”, what we called rants, were some of my favorite parts of our friendship. One of us would sit down and text the other saying “I need to have a Ted Talk” and the other would say “okay shoot” and we could get out whatever we were feeling. When the rant was over we would finish with “Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk” and the other would send the hand clapping emoji. One thing I loved about him was the endless support he offered. I remember once I started my podcast, he was the first friend I told about it. It was going to premiere at midnight on a Friday and he texted me at nine saying he would be staying up so he could be my first listener, five-star rating, and review. We stayed up talking for the next several hours and at eleven fifty-nine he texted me saying “It's time. Listening now!” That single instance meant the world to me, because I always felt encouraged and supported by him. If no other friend would listen, Michael would, because that is the type of guy he was. To know Michael was to feel supported. To know Michael was to have a laugh. To know Michael was to have a friend. There’s no one like him, and I will thank Jesus endlessly for blessing me with knowing him. I know you are in a better place now, but I can’t help but be sad at the thought of no longer having you in my life. Understand that I will honor your legacy always, and fondly remember the time we did have together. Love you endlessly Miguel, and we will meet again someday.
-Savannah Celeste